The Paleontology Team


brown fossil Definitions

Paleontology is the study of the forms of life existing in prehistoric or geologic times, as represented by the fossils of plants, animals), and other organisms. (The study of early man is usually called paleo-anthropology, but we will include man here.)

Team Challenge: Investigate the signs of prehistoric plant and animal life in your area, and place them on the class timeline.

shell Questions you might consider:

How do paleontologists conduct their investigations?
How far back can you go in your local history?
What else was going on at that time?
In what type of rock are fossils usually found?  Why is this so?

fern What serves as evidence in your science area?

Examples of artifacts:
petrified bones
tracks (ichnites)
rock art (paintings and petroglyphs)
cairns (stone monuments, simple stone)
Examples of inference process – making sense of data
                  Reconstructing animal structures

crinoid TO DO:

1.) Locate, draw or photograph and describe a few of the oldest artifacts from your area.
Where they were found?
Who dug them up?
From when do they date?
How do they fit into the history of their area?  

2.) Place these on the class and GL timelines.

3.) Compare what was occurring at your area at 10 million years BC, making entries in the time line, with other classes   

mussel Locations of possible local experts  and artifacts (e.g. institutions) who can help your research:

Museums – college or university museums, historical museums, national and international natural history museums.
Internet search words:  paleontology  - your area - artifacts - era in history - education - time line

Internet links (English and Russian)

       Moscow Metro
       Ammonites and much much more embedded in the marble used to wall the Moscow Metro

       San Diego Natural History Museum: Fossil Mysteries
       Timeline and prehistoric animals,
       Fossils and Fossil Collecting
       Practical site including information on fossil collection and car
       Childrens' Museum
       Geological time line with fossil artifacts
       Natural History Museum

Includes an extensive database of fossils

Your Study Site over Time Index ll GL Activities (English) Index ll Russian/English GL Home

You can also put phrases or the URL into Google translate